Cosmic Encounter Wiki
Power to cling
Gets cards or ships with others
Remora (FFG)
Any Phase
When another player uses a super or wild flare, you may draw a card from the deck.
When another player gains a colony, you may either draw a card from the deck or retrieve a ship from the warp. If multiple players gain colonies at once, draw a card or retrieve a ship for each.

Remora is an alien with the power to Cling. Whenever an opponent retrieves one or more ships from the warp, the Remora may retrieve one ship as well. Whenever another player draws a card from the deck, the Remora may draw a card as well.


Edition Power Text History
FFG You have the power to Cling. Whenever another player retrieves one or more ships from the warp, you may use this power to retrieve one of your ships from the warp as well. You may not retrieve a ship from the warp during the same encounter in which it went to the warp.
Whenever another player draws one or more cards from the deck, you may use this power to draw one card from the deck as well.
The universe's original tag-alongs, the Remoras first reached space as the valued servants of the dominant race on their homeworld. Seldom accomplishing anything for themselves, the Remoras simply make themselves useful to to others and then ride their coat-tails to victory. Although other races might chide them for a lack of drive, the Remoras simply wonder why they should give up a good thing.


Remora gets comparatively stronger as time goes on. Its power means that it recovers from defeats or card losses more quickly than other aliens, so it maintains its early strength throughout the game while its opponents' strengths shrink. Therefore it is in Remora's interest to prolong play.
