Cosmic Encounter Wiki
Power to continue
Can continue turn
Machine (CEO)
Power of continuity
Can continue turn
Machine (FFG)
As the offense, you always have the option to have a second encounter, even if you lost your first encounter or are out of encounter cards. If you have no encounter cards at the start of your second encounter, draw a new hand.
During each of your regroup phases, you may draw the top card from the deck instead of retrieving a ship from the warp.

Machine is an alien with the power of Continuity. Its turn is not limited to two encounters - the Machine can have as many encounters as it wants in one turn as long as it has at least one encounter card in hand.


If playing with moons, the rules for moons state that Machine is allowed only one moon challenge per encounter. This is to avoid giving Machine free reign over all the moons in play, as a player does not need to play any cards in order to take over a moon if no other player is already present on the moon.


Interestingly, bots will always play a  N  (if possible) when facing Machine in an attempt to take its pods. This is often a good strategy for players to use against Machine. Machine's weakness is that it needs to conserve its resources: ships and pods. If you can force Machine to use them up, it will be in trouble.

Strengths Weaknesses
Can take colonies continuously Limited by cards and ships


As Machine[]

Machine is best played cautiously. To take advantage of your many extra encounters, keep sending one ship at a time, using your weaker attack cards. If you need more cards, send four ships and use a  N  to collect compensation. Your real attacks are done with four ships and a high card. You prefer being a defensive ally to an offensive ally so that you can draw more cards and potentially take longer turns.

Against Machine[]

More so than others, the machine will be in need of cards and ships, so any method to reduce its availability to either (such as plague or ionic gas) will hit harder on this alien.


Edition Power Text History
Eon (eon text not available) (eon history not available)
Mayfair You have the power of continuity. Your turn is not limited to two challenges. As long as you have Challenge Cards, you may continue as offensive player, even if you lost the previous challenge. You may occupy only two vacant moons per turn. A race long lost to antiquity had the foresight to construct a mammoth Machine in the core of their planet. Pouring all their knowledge and ambition into its memory banks, they programmed it with this mandate: "Top priority . . . Expand control, never cease . . . eliminate opposition, never cease . . . achieve mastery, never cease . . ."
CEO (ceo text not available) (ceo history not available)
FFG You have the power of Continuity. Your turn is not limited to two encounters. After completing an encounter (whether successful or not), you may use this power to have another encounter as long as you have at least one encounter card left in your hand. A race long lost to antiquity had the foresight to construct a mammoth Machine in the core of their planet. Pouring all their knowledge and ambition into its memory banks, they programmed it with this mandate: "Top priority...expand control, never cease...eliminate opposition, never cease...achieve mastery, never cease..."