Cosmic Encounter Wiki
The wiki about the board game Cosmic Encounter that anyone can edit (even you)!
335 articles since July 13th 2009

Welcome! This wiki intends to be an all-in-one source for everything Cosmic Encounter. It aims to gather information about the game and its expansions, variants and history, and collect it all in one place.

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Anti-Matter (FFG)

Anti-Matter is an alien with the power of negation. Whenever it's a main player, the lower total wins the encounter as opposed to the higher one. To aid in this, Anti-Matter's ships subtract from its total instead of adding, as do allied ships on both sides. Anti-Matter acts as a significant foil to powerhouse aliens such as Virus and Warrior, but it can become a liability given the wrong hand. Anti-Matter debuted in the second Eon expansion and rose to being a starter alien in each edition since.


  • May 20th, 2021 - User:Arseniccatnip is the new wiki administrator.
  • February 23rd - Virus is our first featured article!
  • February 1st - Incursion is out. Buy it if you can find it.
  • October 27th - Cosmic Incursion is announced. 20 aliens, sixth player, bunch o' good stuff.

Random Alien

Oracle (CEO)

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